图一:从盒中取出本品后,拿住花托,垂直方向插入蛋糕顶部,深度为2厘米左右(插入蛋糕内的塑料件已作消毒处理)。 |
图二:点燃盒中所配小香签,与水平成45度角轻轻接触蜡烛头中心的小圆,即喷出五彩焰火(不能用明火直接点燃蜡烛)。 |
图三:如果要停止音乐时,用小剪刀把喷火处小铜线剪断即可。(清除剩余蜡烛即成一精美工艺品)。 |
Picture 1: Take out the products from the packing box, catch hold of the tray
of the products, then insert the plastic tray in the cake at the top upright. The depth of
inserting is about 2 CM. The plastic part which inserts in the cake has been disinfected. |
Picture 2: Please light up
the stick incense with match or lighter with 45 degree angle at the level, touching the
yellow circle part on the top of center gently. When the yellow circle part burns, it will
spray blaze at the same time. (Caution: Don: t light up it with bright fire). |
Picture 3: If you don’t want to listen to the music, please cut the small copper wire with
scissor. You could keep it as an art when cleaning up the candle left. |


图一:从盒中取出本品后,拿住花托,垂直方向插入蛋糕顶部,深度为2厘米左右(插入蛋糕内的塑料件已作消毒处理)。 |
图二:点燃盒中所配小香签,与水平成45度角轻轻接触蜡烛头中心的小圆,即喷出五彩焰火(不能用明火直接点燃蜡烛)。 |
1:Take out the products from the packing box, catch hold of the tray of the products, then
insert the plastic tray in the cake at the top upright. The depth of inserting should be
about 2 CM.( The plastic part which insert in the cake has been disinfected). |
2:Please light up the stick incense with match or lighter with 45 degree angle at the
level, touching the yellow circle part on the top of center gently. When the yellow circle
part burns, it will spray blaze at the same time. (Caution: Don light up Candle No bright
fire). |


图三:本产品在燃烧过程中不会造成对食品的污染,完全符合食品卫生的要求。 |
3: It will not produce pollution to the food while burning. The products can meet the
requirements of food sanitation standard. |
Picture 4: If you don’ No want to listen to the music, please cut the small copper wire
with scissor. You could keep it as an art when cleaning up the candle. |
本品在喷出彩色火焰的同时,能自动点燃蜡烛,八支盈盈的烛光散开像一朵盛开的莲花,伴之而自动奏响“生日歌”、“婚礼曲”、“圣涎快乐”等您所需要的音乐。为你的节日增添欢乐的气芬,并带给您节日的欢乐,良辰的庆慰、生活的温馨。 |
music candle is our patent products, which are feast candle with music. It can light up
the candles automatic while spraying blaze. There are 8 small candles around the products,
which looks like blossom lotus; the products can sing songs such as Happy Birthday To You
while spraying blaze. It can bring great happiness, warm regards and enjoyments to you on
birthday, wedding, christmas and other nuptial and holidays. We warmly welcome every
customer from home and abroad to build long term business relationship with our factory. |
candles introduction
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